4 Common pool issues that need pool service and repair experts’ attention
As time passes, it is hard to avoid random pool problems which demand immediate service or repairs. No wonder, swimming pools are a boon during hot summer days or on special occasions. But we can’t deny the fact that home pools come with unwanted hassles. Each year, many people face the consequences of not maintaining their pools. This can lead to fatal injuries, skin issues, technical problems, and much more.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to take proper care of your swimming pool. But there are a lot of people who feel it is a big burden because they are unaware of the common issues related to pool maintenance. So, here are some of the common pool issues which need the attention of pool service and repair expert:

1. Algae buildup — if you see the surface of our swimming pool turning green, it means that you have algae infestation in your pool. The most common reason behind this issue is a low level of chlorine in your pool. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to get rid of this issue. The first one is to seek pool services in Houston Texas. An expert will let you know the right solution to it. Otherwise, you can shock treatment, if you are aware of doing it on your own and have pool service and equipment. The process doesn’t take much time.
2. Murky water — your pool water should be crystal clear so that you can see your pool’s bottom easily. If you have murky pool water then the issue is with its unbalanced pH levels. Rain can be the reason behind the uneven pH levels of the pool, especially if it’s acidic rain. Try to get in touch with the services expert to know the solution. They will help you get clear pool water again.
3. Technical pool problems — your home pool requires various technical equipment to run smoothly. It is common to face technical pool issues, especially with your pool pump. Contact the best pool companies in Houston Texas to repair your pool pump. Various technical issues can be solved by pool service and repair such as maintaining valves, barriers, caulking, air relief valve, and much more. Don’t indulge yourself in DIY repairs.
4. Unusual pool stains — if you see pool stains then there are chances of high mineral levels. Try using pH decrease on a cloth or chlorine sticks and clean the stains. If this trick doesn’t work then it is time for an expert to peep into this issue. Otherwise, the pool stains will set permanently.
Things to consider before hiring pool services in Houston Texas
There is no comparison to enjoying a lazy hot summer day in your pool. However, the enthusiasm can dip if your pool is dirty and in need of service and repair. So, before you decide to go further with pool service and maintenance, here are some points to consider before hiring a pool expert:
Experience — cleaning and repairing the pool is not easy as it looks. So, try to hire professionals who have proper equipment’s and are working in the industry with years of experience. Their experience will give you an idea of their level of expertise.
Reputation — any Houston pool renovation or pool service and repair expert should prioritize their customers. Search for reputable experts or companies that can provide you with their services with charisma, punctuality, knowledge, work flexibility, customer empathy.
License and insurance — getting unlicensed pool services should be a big no. Before hiring anyone professional, ask him about his license to operate. Further, check if his insurance is updated or not.
To sum up, a swimming pool is a necessity which you can’t ditch on during summers. Therefore, having the best pool service and repair experts on your speed dial is obligatory. Try to understand your pool issues and hire professionals with open eyes and complete information.
What is the cost of pool service in Houston?
If you want pool service and repair in Houston, Texas then it might cost around $23.05 per visit. However, the prices can also vary depending on the size and the type of pool.
How to avoid a green pool?
Try cleaning the filter regularly, backwashing, check the pool equipment, use algaecide at the beginning of algae growth, etc. Or you can simply hire a professional to get rid of the green pool.
How much time is required to complete the pool renovation task?
Houston pool renovation or resurfacing can take around 5–7days to complete. If the process gets hindered by uneven weather conditions, then it may it around 14days.
How often one should use chlorine in their pool?
As per the standards of NSPI, it is ideal to put chlorine in your pool three times a week.
Does the pool require high maintenance?
The annual cost to maintain your pool can be $1200 to $1800. If you want pool service and repair along with renovation then the cost can go up to $3000 to $5000 and even more
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